An abstract and psychological representation is included in the conceptual models. Conceptual models are essential for a design process in how tasks should go until the final product.

Meanwhile, in this article, we are going to discuss the conceptual models in detail. It is also known as a mental model. Lets’ us discuss what it is and how it works in the process of design. Let’s get started.

What are conceptual models?

It is a systematic way of including an abstract with psychological representation which is helpful for further tasks in the design process.

Importance of Conceptual Models

Conceptual models are helpful and are created by the designer on the base of existing knowledge and frameworks which is helpful to understand the users to learn how to use the final and new product.

The conceptual model can be seen at the beginning of the design process. Even it is considered for the direction and the inspiration in the whole design process.

Conceptual model as a mental model

It is considered a mental model because people can think about how it should be done. It carries out at the beginning of the design process so that the basic understanding of the product will get to the users. It saves you time and energy too.

It is helpful to categorize most simply and easily so that we can communicate our application design. 

It is easier to use even to explain what we are supposed to do with our application. Conceptual modelling comes before UI design which means at the beginning of your design cycle. It focuses on the light of areas that you want to examine in detail.

Why we should use the conceptual model?

  • High level of understanding of the mobile application
  • It is more usable and easy to handle
  • You can match the different mental models.
  • It allows you to examine the different areas or you should work on them.

Elements of a conceptual model

There are four elements you should know in term of the conceptual model as follow;

  • Task
  • Object
  • Action and attribute

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