Roadmap to Learn Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become an essential part of modern computing infrastructure. It allows users to access computing resources, such as servers and storage, over the internet. If you are a beginner who wants to learn cloud computing, this roadmap will help you get started.

Step 1: Learn the Basics of Computing

Before diving into cloud computing, you should have a basic understanding of computing concepts. This includes understanding computer hardware, software, and networking. You can learn the basics of computing by taking an online course or by reading a book. Here are some resources:

Step 2: Learn Cloud Computing Fundamentals

After learning computing basics, you can start learning cloud computing fundamentals. This includes understanding what cloud computing is, the different cloud computing models (such as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS), and the different cloud service providers. Here are some resources to help you get started:

Step 3: Choose a Cloud Service Provider

Once you have learned the fundamentals of cloud computing, you can choose a cloud service provider to start using. The most popular cloud service providers are AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Each of these platforms offers free tiers that you can use to experiment and learn.

  • AWS Free Tier: AWS offers a free tier that allows you to use certain services for free for 12 months.
  • Microsoft Azure Free Account: Microsoft Azure offers a free account that includes $200 credit for the first 30 days.
  • Google Cloud Free Tier: Google Cloud offers a free tier that allows you to use certain services for free indefinitely.

Step 4: Learn Cloud Services and Deployment

Once you have chosen a cloud service provider, you can start learning cloud services and deployment. This includes learning how to deploy applications to the cloud, how to use cloud databases and storage, and how to use cloud computing services such as containers and serverless computing. Here are some resources:

  • AWS: AWS offers various courses, documentation, and tutorials for learning how to use their cloud services.
  • AWS Free Tier:
  • Microsoft Azure: Microsoft Azure offers various courses, documentation, and tutorials for learning how to use their cloud services.
  • Microsoft Azure Free Account:
  • Google Cloud Platform: Google Cloud offers various courses, documentation, and tutorials for learning how to use its cloud services.
  • Google Cloud Free Tier:

Step 5: Build a Cloud-Based Project

After learning how to use cloud services, you can start building a cloud-based project. This can be a web application, a mobile application, or any other type of application that can be hosted in the cloud. Here are some project ideas:

  • A simple web application: Build a simple web application and deploy it to the cloud.
  • A mobile application with a cloud backend: Build a mobile application that uses cloud services for its backend.
  • An IoT application: Build an IoT application that uses cloud services for data storage and processing.

YouTube Tutorial:

Here is a helpful YouTube tutorial for learning cloud computing for beginners:


In conclusion, learning cloud computing can be a challenging but rewarding experience for beginners. By following this roadmap and using the resources provided, you can quickly become proficient in cloud computing and start building powerful cloud-based applications. Good luck!

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