Platforms for Competitive Programming and DSA

Competitive programming is a mind sport that involves solving algorithmic problems under a specified time constraint. It has become increasingly popular in recent years as companies have begun using it as a way to evaluate candidates during the hiring process. If you are interested in competitive programming, there are several platforms available that can help you improve your skills.

Here are some of the best platforms for competitive programming and DSA (Data Structure and Algorithms):

  • LeetCode – LeetCode is a popular platform for coding challenges, interviews, and contests. It has a large collection of problems organized by difficulty level and topic. You can solve problems in different languages, including C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript.
  • HackerRank – HackerRank is a platform that helps you prepare for technical interviews. It offers a variety of problems related to algorithms, data structures, and databases. HackerRank also has a competitive programming section that allows you to compete against other users.
  • Codeforces – Codeforces is an online platform for competitive programming that has a large community of users. It offers weekly contests and educational rounds that can help you improve your skills. Codeforces also has a rating system that allows you to compare your skills with other users.
  • TopCoder – TopCoder is one of the oldest platforms for competitive programming. It has a variety of challenges and contests that can help you improve your skills. TopCoder also has a rating system that allows you to compete against other users.
  • AtCoder – AtCoder is a Japanese platform for competitive programming that offers challenges and contests in different languages. It has a large community of users and a rating system that allows you to compare your skills with other users.
  • GeeksforGeeks – GeeksforGeeks is a platform for learning and practicing DSA. It has a large collection of problems related to algorithms and data structures, and it offers a variety of tutorials and courses.
  • HackerEarth – HackerEarth is a platform that offers coding challenges and hackathons. It has a large community of users and a variety of challenges related to algorithms and data structures.
  • CodeChef – CodeChef is a platform for competitive programming that offers monthly contests and educational rounds. It also has a large community of users and a rating system that allows you to compare your skills with other users.
  • In conclusion, competitive programming and DSA are essential skills for any software developer. By using these platforms, you can improve your skills and prepare for technical interviews. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep solving problems and participating in contests to improve your skills.
  • Useful links: 
  • Useful links for Competitive Programming and DSA:
  1. Competitive Companion – a browser extension that makes it easier to copy test cases from Codeforces and other competitive programming platforms.
  2. C++ STL – a reference guide for the C++ Standard Template Library, which is commonly used in competitive programming.
  3. Java Collections Framework – a reference guide for the Java Collections Framework, which is commonly used in competitive programming.
  4. Python Standard Library – a reference guide for the Python Standard Library, which is commonly used in competitive programming.
  • YouTube playlists:
  1. Competitive Programming by Tushar Roy –
  2. Competitive Programming in Python by Socratica –

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