We all love flying as it transports you in a very less amount of time. Also, it is a comfortable ride. Tiredness associated with another mode of transport is less in aeroplanes. In general flight, travel is easy and less cumbersome. Though flying is made easier day by day some points are there which are almost secret to the general public.

The chimes you hear in the plane are secret codes understood by the crew of the plane. There is though, no worry about it as it is neither perilous nor a great secret. The conversation between the pilot and the crew may be desultory like several snacks remaining.

The emergency Oxygen masks contain Oxygen for only 15 minutes. But no need to worry as the pilot lands the plane in less than that time.

Aeroplane lavatories can be unlocked from the outer side. This may leave a feeling of insecurity and privacy but for security reasons, it is done. Generally, to open the door from the outside, the external lock mechanism is hidden beneath the No Smoking board on the door.

Unknown Secrets about Flying on the Planes
Image – Flickr

Flying Facts

Drinking water in the plane. You may want to drink water on board but any well-wisher will tell you not to do so. The reason?.. Laboratory tests have shown that one out of 10 planes carries coliform a dangerous bacteria present in human faeces. The presence of coliform also indicates the presence of other microbes potentially dangerous to humans. Though things have improved not all flight-at tenders would encourage you to drink water onboard.

It is technically impossible to die on a plane journey. The reason is, no qualified doctor is available on board to give the time of death. Though flight attendants are trained in first-aid treatment and other sultry things, cannot give the time of demise so required for establishing the time of death required legally.

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