India is set to host the G20 summit in September  2023, marking the first time the country will hold the presidency of the global forum. The G20 (Group of Twenty) is a forum that brings together the world’s leading economies and accounts for over 80% of the world’s GDP. The forum provides a platform for discussing and coordinating policies related to international finance and economic issues. The upcoming presidency of India is significant and presents a unique opportunity for the country to contribute to the global discourse on important economic issues.

India's Presidency of G20 in 2023
Image Source: Tribune India

India’s Priorities for the G20 Presidency

During its presidency of the G20, India is expected to focus on three key priorities – people, planet, and prosperity. The country aims to promote inclusive development, address climate change, and ensure economic growth that benefits all.

India’s priorities align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are expected to play a crucial role in the G20’s efforts to achieve them.

India’s Approach to the G20 Presidency

India has stated that it will approach the G20 presidency with a collaborative and cooperative spirit. The country believes that the G20 forum offers an opportunity to bring countries together to address common challenges and find shared solutions.

India aims to promote consensus-building and cooperation among G20 members to achieve common goals. Given the rising geopolitical tensions with Russia Ukraine war, growing Chinese influence and global economic slowdown, India’s presidency will be key to discussing and potentially resolving issues ranging from rising debt and interest payments to sustainable economic development in light of increasing climate change-related problems.

India’s Role in the G20

India has been a member of the G20 since its inception in 1999, and its participation in the forum has steadily grown in recent years. India has been an active participant in G20 discussions and has contributed to shaping the forum’s agenda.

During its presidency, India aims to further its role in the forum and use the platform to promote India’s economic interests and its vision for inclusive development while simultaneously presenting the successful development progress of India in the domains of finance, digitization, green energy and defence.

This year India as the president has invited multiple states including the African Union, UAE, NEPAD, Egypt and Nigeria all strategic to India’s efforts of increasing outreach specifically to the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia which also will play a vital role in strengthening partnerships with these regions for mutual benefits and interests.


India’s upcoming presidency of the G20 provides a unique opportunity for the country to showcase its economic and diplomatic prowess on the global stage. As one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, India’s leadership of the G20 is expected to bring a fresh perspective to the forum’s discussions and provide impetus to the G20’s efforts to achieve its goals.

The G20 presidency is an opportunity for India to demonstrate its commitment to promoting inclusive development and to play a leading role in addressing some of the world’s most pressing economic challenges.

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