High seas treaty: Historic deal for international water

After 2 decades of long talks, UN member states agree on the legal framework for parts of the sea outside national boundaries.

The historic treaty is a major step to protect at least 30% of ocean area by 2030, crucial for enforcing the 30×30 pledge made by countries at the UN biodiversity conference, without the treaty, this target would certainly fail until now no mechanism existed to set up MPA on high seas.

The treaty will provide a legal framework for establishing vast marine protected areas (MPA) to protect against the loss of wildlife and share out genetic resources. Ocean ecosystems produce half the oxygen we breathe, represent 95% of the planet’s biosphere and soak up carbon dioxide as the world’s largest carbon sink.

Why the International High Sea treaty essential:

Today ocean faces threats on multiple fronts like commercial fishing, plastic pollution leads to the extinction of many species. Additionally, manmade climate change cause the sea to get hotter threatening marine life. Another issue is there is no international body committed to protecting the outside territorial seas.

High seas treaty: Historic deal for international water

This treaty focuses on four mains area:

  1. Conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in
    ABNJ, including marine genetic resource
  2. Area-based management tools, including marine protected areas(MPA)
  3. Environment impact assessment.
  4. Capacity building and the transfer of marine technology.
    According to the international union for conservation of nature (IUCN)
     In the latest marine species assessment, nearly 10% were at
    risk of extinction.
     It is also estimated that 41% of the threatened species are also affected by
    climate change.
     Climate changes also increased marine heat waves 20-fold according to

Countries will need to meet again formally adopt the agreement and then have
plenty of work to do before the treaty can be implemented.

High seas treaty: Historic deal for international water
Source: Science

It will only enter “into” force once 60 countries have signed up and legally passed the
legislation in their own countries.
Signatories countries will then gave to start looking at practically how these
the measure can be implemented and managed.

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