India is currently experiencing rapid growth and adoption of new technologies across various industries, resulting in significant transformations in the country’s economic and social landscape. Among the top technology trends in India are:


  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is making its presence felt in numerous industries such as healthcare, finance, education, agriculture, and manufacturing, among others. Companies are using AI-powered tools to improve efficiency, productivity, and decision-making.
  2. 5G Technology: India is gearing up to roll out 5G technology, which will revolutionize the telecom industry by enabling faster internet speeds, low latency, and a high level of connectivity. It will also lead to the emergence of new applications and services.
  3. Internet of Things (IoT): IoT is transforming the way businesses and individuals interact with the world around them. India is rapidly embracing IoT technologies, from smart homes and cities to agriculture and healthcare.
  4. Blockchain: Blockchain is gaining popularity in India due to its potential to improve transparency, security, and efficiency in various sectors such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.
  5. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is increasingly being adopted by businesses in India to reduce costs, increase scalability, and improve flexibility. The trend is expected to continue as more businesses realize the benefits of cloud computing
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More in the Future :

There are several creative new solutions that are being developed for companies to improve business performance by leveraging exponential technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and Analytics. The year 2019 has witnessed the rising adoption of RPA across the world in a wide range of industries and functions. As far as Analytics adoption is concerned, the year 2019 was great as several industries gained significant growth. Artificial intelligence is also without a doubt picking up significant traction in various areas. To put it simply, RPA, AI, and Analytics will keep on sparkling in 2020, from the new policies developed by the Indian Government to the latest technology adoption by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and startups.

Hyper-automation is a cutting-edge technology that combines various technologies such as RPA, AI, and machine learning to optimize and modernize organizational processes. It uses intelligence to automate tasks and decision-making processes, much like how humans would do it. Gartner has identified hyper-automation as one of the top technology trends for 2020. This advanced technology will lead to improved productivity and wider access to data, helping decision-makers make better decisions for their customers through the use of analytics. Essentially, hyper-automation marks the beginning of an era of highly automated processes that can function autonomously with the help of advanced technology.

The increased utilization of artificial intelligence is becoming more prevalent in our daily lives and interactions, as AI engines become more reliable. Voice-based technology has already made our homes more comfortable, and the advent of high-speed internet in Indian households will lead to the development of even more human-friendly and convenient devices. The rise of AI will largely impact process transformations by automating non-value-added tasks and freeing up human time for more creative and meaningful activities. Companies are beginning to recognize this trend and are investing in reskilling their workforce and adopting modern technology. The use of data analysis on vast amounts of data will also reach new heights, leading to significant achievements. This includes the development of algorithms to help analyze data, identify errors, provide insights, and suggest new data to be analyzed. Ultimately, leaner data and analytics will enable us to utilize the right data at the right time

Natural language processing (NLP) and conversational AI have become increasingly popular due to their advancements and practical applications in voice search and voice assistants. Many organizations in India view NLP as the next big thing in AI, as it enables them to extract valuable insights from audio data and gain a competitive edge. By leveraging NLP skills, visualized dashboards and reports can also be enhanced within their Business Intelligence systems. In addition, Q&A or chat platforms can be utilized to receive real-time answers and useful visualizations from data-specific queries. Given its ability to improve efficiency and insights, and with ongoing research in computational linguistics, NLP is set to revolutionize data exploration and the way we communicate in the near future.

Autonomous things refer to advanced technological innovations that can perform tasks with minimal or no human intervention. This breakthrough technology has been witnessed in self-driving cars and drones, and it is expected to evolve further into a collaborative network of intelligent things. In the future, we can anticipate numerous devices working together seamlessly with little or no human input. This revolutionary technology has the potential to surpass conventional process automation by integrating advanced AI, which can deliver more natural interactions with humans and the environment.

Advancements in data storage technologies are addressing the challenge of managing large amounts of data. One promising solution is the use of Software Defined Storage (SDS) systems, which combine software and hardware from various manufacturers to improve performance, security, and agility. Another trend is the construction of hyper-scale data centers, which will dominate the industry in 2019 and enable companies to adopt Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) solutions that meet the demands of modern business and the environment. In 2020, more companies will likely design and utilize smart data centers, which allow operators to integrate proactive measures for sustainability and efficiency.

Hyper Automation enhances business processes, maximizing potential and delivering constant, up-to-date insights. The growing number of new developments in this field indicates an increase in demand and interest in these technologies. It is fascinating to anticipate what further innovations will emerge in this area, and we should continue to explore them. However, for Indian companies, the numerous potential challenges associated with adopting digital transformation can pose difficulties

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