Do you know that during the rule of the Nanda dynasty, Alexander the Great was defeated by the Bengali community? Let us find more interesting facts about the Bengali community.

Bengal or bangle originated from the Persian word bangle and it was made by the word vangla previously the region was called Vangla Pradesh which is today called West Bengal.

According to arthaveda in 1000 BC, the king of demons or evil(asur)raja vali belongs to the Bengal region. Even the region described in the Mahabharat of the Vanga dynasty also comes from Bengal.

When archeologists excavated in Bengal so of the evidence or research says that it is 20,000 years old stone age, such as evidence of pit dwelling.

Those locals were set up in Bengal who already migrated one by one they were such as Austro-Asiatic, Tibet Burman, Dravid, or Indo-Aryan. 

Historians also found that 2000 years ago the people who grow rice helped Bengalis with their establishment. But it also believed that the beginner’s citizen came from Sri Lanka. Or tribal people(banjara)who do hunting with bow and arrow that banjara called Vedda.

After China or Arab among Indo Europeans Bengali community was counted as the largest ethnic group. From the very early stage, the Brahmaputra and river Ganga were used for transportation, and with the help of the silk route used to trade that’s why the community become very prosperous.

In the 4th century bc the ruler of Nanda  dynasty Bengalis defeated Alexander the Great the first independent king of Bengal  king shashank on 7th century unite the Bengali states even under the rule of pala dynasty was very prosperous and happy.

After  that origin of arabs, Turkish, and Persians started living and staying in Bengal with that kola, bheel, santhal, shabar, pulinda started staying here. It gave birth to a multi-ethnic community. 

In the 10th century, the spread of Islam started in the Bengal region, and in the 12th century merged with the Delhi Sultanate. In 1352 ad under the rule of shamsuddin iilyas shah got an identity as Bengali. The Bengali language got its identity with  Persian and Arabic language, the Bengali language also gets its popularity.

In between the 14th to 16th-century setup extraordinary growth in business in some of the districts developed a network which does coin melting which called taksal qasbon on those days taka coins were made.

In those days European people, consider Bengal as the most suitable and rich state, in y ear 1772 ad when English rule arrived introduced Calcutta as the capital of India. Calcutta which is today known as Kolkata was a major center of political administration and trade, after mixing culture with the British or after communicating with the British with prosperous Bengalis after visiting Western countries and exposure to European countries.

Hence Bengalis adopted the Western style, English language, scientific approach, institutional approach, and social reform excepted in the early stage. The first state-influence renaissance in Europe was shown in  Bengal and new Bengal took birth.

This is the reason that Today Bengalis are active in every field from politics to journalism science to philosophy.

In conclusion, “What Bengal thinks today India thinks tomorrow” 

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