Recent hype with CHATGPT-4: Is it the future of narrow knowledge?

With GPT-4 getting widely acclaimed overnight, its limitations concerning human feedback and concise knowledge are a thing to contemplate.


·        GPT- 4 chatbot

·        Progressive step towards AI

·        Apparent feedback on human emotions

Image Courtesy: The Guardian

Technological interventions do a lot in befitting our lives. As direct beneficiaries, we thus have a lot to enjoy. The latest improvement in AI technology in the form of GPT- 4 has undoubtedly put a San Francisco town in tech news for a long time.

GPT- 4 as an addition to chatbot has a lot to offer. It is one of the leading tech giants at present. From aiding to provide information and incorporating it into corporate systems it has truly reshaped the picturesque of the tech industry.

As far as human emotions are concerned, it’s very happening for individuals to expect a lot from GPT-4. However, as far as its incorporation of knowledge and education sphere is concerned, its benefits have begun to put up as significantly questionable. Certain points to be considered here-

  • With the release of the previous versions of ChatGPTs, instances of media reports were doing rounds, wherein there was a significant reduction in the creative productivity of students.
  • As per certain newspaper reports, professors have time and again complained about assignments submitted by students with zero to minimal incorrectness.
  • This depicts a significant shift in the behavior of students wherein they sort to AI technology and chatbots for smooth and easy completion of their assigned tasks.
  • Questions of skill and optimal productivity are significant here as students receive narrow knowledge, evading away in-depth analysis, skills of fact-checking etc.
  • They are not being adequately empowered to criticize or value their opinions.
Image Courtesy: The Economic Times

The benefits of applying GPT-4 and making optimal utilization of it may work out differently in different spheres and organizations. For example, On one hand, a handful of companies have already started using GPT-4. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is striving to build a system that will instantly retrieve information from company documents and other records and depict it in the form of conversational prose in front of its financial advisers.

 As per The Telegraph reports, these AI-powered chatbot systems might tend to complement the skill of workers rather than replace them. Yet, in the long run, it might be seen as something that might adversely affect human skill and productivity. Undoubtedly, it is very clear that AI technologies impact manual labor in some way or the other. Endeavors are also put forward by an online education platform named Khan Academy in the form of an online tutor to impart lessons to students.

Every technological intervention has its fair share of limitations. One might have the possibility to run into incorrect websites or generate false information without warning. The transparency of chatbots is yet not adequately realized. Since GPT- 4 being a neural network obtained info from both digital text and enormous books and articles, individuals may possess a great tool handy to rely upon and be knowledgeable.

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