The Indian education system: A system that is turning our assets into liabilities

Since its inception, the Indian educational system has undergone several changes. These changes have been a result of societal and historical changes. It remains to be seen whether these modifications and advancements are beneficial.

India is the largest education system in the world, with more than 13, 00,000 schools and more than 315 million students enrolled. All children in India now have access to preschool and elementary education as a result of educational reforms implemented during the 1980s. All children between the ages of six and fourteen must attend school, free of charge, by the Right to Education Act of 2009.

Compared to other countries, India has a very different educational system. The majority of Indian schools focus more on academics and less on extracurricular activities; the country’s educational system is organized in a 10 + 2 + 3 pattern. 

British modifications to the Indian educational system:

The Gurukul system started to deteriorate as the British occupied India and constructed schools that utilized a different educational framework. While study sessions were conducted identically, the courses taught in these schools were considerably different from those at Gurukuls.

The entire Indian educational system underwent a rapid transformation. Academic achievement became the main focus as attention switched away from kids’ overall development; yet, one thing fundamentally altered at this time: girls began to pursue education and enroll in schools.

But today in Western nations, the emphasis is on practical knowledge and a light syllabus, but in India, the emphasis is on theoretical knowledge and rote memorization. All of the chapters must be read by the students, and they must also bring good grades to class. In Indian schools, the marking system begins in the primary grades, burdening young students as the level of competition rises daily. Both parents and teachers want their students to outperform their peers in terms of academic performance.

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They get so blinded by the drive to outperform the competition that they are oblivious to the fact that they are leading children in the wrong direction. Students are under pressure to adhere to a rigid curriculum and achieve high grades at a time when they should be free to explore their hobbies and develop their creative abilities.

Students are given the sole focus of studying the chapter, rather than comprehending the different principles of mathematics, physics, and other topics. As a result, individuals are unable to apply practical information, are unable to make independent judgments in the future, and are even unable to select a profession that suits their interests. The foundation of the Indian educational system is therefore exceedingly unjust.

The stumbling Indian Education System | BeyondEye
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According to some, the Indian educational system is outdated and global. Indian schools are educating young brains with bookish knowledge that is turning them into bibliophiles and hindering them from becoming creative people at a time when the world is yearning for innovative and enthusiastic individuals. 

It is necessary to bring about constructive social transformation and personal wealth if we are to create new inventions. Unfortunately, we are taught otherwise in school. They bind us to a predetermined study regimen, keeping us preoccupied with assignments and theoretical teachings to the exclusion of all other forms of expression. For innovative thinking, the Indian educational system needs to be modified. Schools should prioritize mental challenges, analytical skill development, and creative thinking exercises because these will increase students’ performance across the board.

The Indian educational system places a strong emphasis on academics. The emphasis is not on learning new information and expanding one’s knowledge, but rather on memorizing lessons for the sole aim of getting good grades. Even though some schools offer extracurricular activities, these programs only get one class each week. The focus of education in Indian schools has been reduced to learning just theoretical information, which is insufficient to develop a thoughtful and moral individual. To ensure that pupils are developing holistically, the system needs to be modified.


Occasionally, the Indian educational system has come under fire. To ensure the healthy growth of our younger generation, this system needs to be drastically changed. As a result, since ancient times, the Indian educational system has undergone a significant transformation.

However, the system still has to be improved for pupils to develop properly. Powerful individuals must comprehend that the Indian educational system needs significant improvements. To help pupils grow ethically, physically, mentally, and spiritually, the educational system needs to be modified.

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