A 7-kilogram baby born in Brazil, Here’s what increases the odds of having a big baby

In January, a massive catastrophe occurred at the Padre Colombo Hospital in Parintis, in the Brazilian Amazon. Angerson dos Santos was born via caesarean section, weighing 16 pounds and measuring two feet (60 cm) (7.3kg). In comparison, newborn boys weigh an average of 7lb 6oz (3.3 kilogrames) and girls weigh an average of 7lb 2oz (3.2 kilos), making this almost exceptional.

The word used to describe these “huge babies” is macrosomia (Greek for “large body”), which refers to excessive physical development or size. A macrosomic baby is defined as any newborn weighing more than 8lb 13oz (4 kilogrammes), regardless of gestational age.


According to the Mayo Clinic, babies in this category account for about 9% of all births. Among actuality, this number rises to between 15% and 45% in women with gestational diabetes (high blood sugar during pregnancy), a representative ratio in respect to the total.

Cleidiane dos Santos, the mother, is 27 years old and went to the hospital last week for a normal check-up and to confirm the state of her pregnancy. However, the physicians judged that the baby was too large and that the birth could not be done normally, nor could the pregnancy be carried to full term, so they prepared an intervention immediately.

“He is the state’s largest infant ever born.”

Cleidiane had a C-section less than 24 hours later, and Angerson was born. The mother was discharged from the hospital without issues after spending several days resting in the hospital while the baby rested following the preterm delivery. A great deal of pleasure.

When he was born in 1955 in Italy, the world’s biggest infant weighed 22lb 8oz (10.2 kilogrammes). After posting the news on its Facebook page, the hospital stated that both the mother and the baby are in good health. “He is the state’s largest infant ever born,” they explained.

Things that make macrosomia more likely

The likelihood that a mother may give birth to a big baby is affected by a wide range of variables. One of them is body weight, as newborns with macrosomia are twice as likely to be born to fat mothers. Additionally, gaining too much weight during pregnancy raises the chance of macrosomia.

As if this weren’t risky enough, the doctors at the Padre Colombo Hospital in Parintis have linked the size of the infant to gestational diabetes and pre-gestational diabetes. Finally, other factors that also raise the risk include a late pregnancy, a mother who is older than 35, previous pregnancies, and the father’s age.

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