Being creative is a process, not an outcome.

One of history’s most important scientists was wandering through a garden in 1666 when he experienced a moment of inspiration that would forever alter the course of human history.

Sir Isaac Newton observed an apple collapse to the ground while standing beneath an apple tree. Newton questioned why the fruit should always fall perpendicular to the ground. Why shouldn’t it move above, or sideways, but always towards the center of the earth? The earth attracts it, of course, is the explanation. The matter must possess a drawing power.

Thus, the idea of gravity was created.

One of the most famous and enduring depictions of a creative moment is the tale of the falling apple. It is a representation of the inspired intellectual that floods your mind during those “eureka moments” when the circumstances are ideal for inspiration.

The majority of people overlook the fact that Newton spent over twenty years developing his theories on gravity before publishing The Principia of Natural Philosophy in 1687. The incident with the fallen apple just marked the start of a long train of thought.

Not only did Newton struggle with a brilliant idea for years. For all of us, being creative is a process. In this essay, I’ll explain the science behind creative thinking, go over the circumstances that foster creativity and those that stifle it and provide helpful advice for improving creativity.

What Comes First, Creative Thinking or Development?

Our ability to think creatively depends on our ability to connect seemingly unconnected thoughts. Do we acquire this skill naturally or do we have to work at it? Let’s examine the research to find a solution.

98 percent of the 1,600 five-year-olds who participated in a study on creative performance conducted in the 1960s by George Land scored in the “very creative” level. Each participant was retested by Dr. Land every five years. Only 30% of the same children scored in the extremely creative range when they were 10 years old. By the time they reached the ages of 15 and 25, just 12% and 2%, respectively, remained. The creativity was essentially skilled out of the kids as they grew into adults.

This does not imply that creativity can be taught in its entirety. Genetics do have an impact. Professor of psychology Barbara Kerr claims that genes account for about 22% of the variable in creative ability. By examining the variations in creative thinking between forms of twins, this discovery was made.

All of this is to indicate that using the justification “I’m merely not the creative type” is a very lame way to avoid thinking creatively. Undoubtedly, some people are more creatively inclined than others. Most of our creative thinking skills can be learned, and almost everyone is born with some grade of creativity.

Confidence and Originality 

How can the growth mentality be practically applied to creativity? It all boils down to one thing, in my opinion: being willing to engage in an activity even if it makes you seem awful.

According to Dweck, the growth mindset places more emphasis on the method than the result. Though it is simple to acknowledge in theory, doing it, in reality, is very challenging. The majority of people don’t want to experience the shame or embarrassment that comes along with learning a new skill.

There are very few mistakes from which you can never fully recover. Most people, I believe, are aware of this to some extent.

We are aware that it won’t endanger our life if the book we write doesn’t find a reader, if a potential partner rejects us, or if we accidentally introduce the wrong person. What disturbs us isn’t always what happens after the event. We put off starting at all because we fear making a fool of ourselves, feeling embarrassed, or dealing with shame along the way.

You must be ready to take action in the countenance of these emotions, which frequently discourage us if you want to truly embrace the growth mindset and improve your creativity.

How to Increase your Creativity 

Here are a few doable tactics for increasing your creativity, presuming you are ready to put in the effort to face your inner anxieties and learn from failure.

Maintain self-control

One of your best implements for encouraging innovative thinking is well-crafted limits. When he was given a word count restriction of 50, Dr. Seuss penned his most well-known book. When playing on a smaller field, soccer players refine their already complex skill sets. A 5-inch to 3-inch canvas can help designers make better large-scale designs. We grow more resourceful the more we constrain ourselves.

Improve your knowledge 

Forcing myself to write on a variety of themes and concepts has proven to be one of my most effective creative techniques. For instance, I have to think outside the box whether I utilize zen buddhism, vintage word processors, or 1980s basketball tactics to depict our everyday activities. You’ll succeed in psychology and life more if you increase your knowledge, as psychologist Robert Epstein once said.


Not an event, but a process, is creativity. Not simply a eureka moment, either. You need to overcome emotional and mental obstacles. You must make a conscious effort to practice your craft. And it takes persistence to watch your creative brilliance blossom—possibly years or even decades, like Newton did.

The suggestions in this article provide numerous methods for increasing creativity. Read Mastering Creativity, my free guide, if you’re seeking more concrete tips on how to strengthen your creative habits.

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